Airports upgrade for PNG

Project opens up tourism possibiities

PAPUA New Guinea has embarked on an ambitious project to upgrade rural airports in an effort to develop the tourism industry and allow easier access for investors. This will include the construction of international airports at Mount Hagen in the highlands and Lae on the coast.

A new terminal building at Goroka Airport in the Eastern Highlands is nearing completion and with its associated runway improvements will be able to accommodate larger aircraft. International flights will also be possible from Goroka once the US$25million improvement project is completed by Chinese contractor, COVEC. National Airports Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, Richard Yopo, said NAC was committed to improving airport infrastructure throughout the country.

“The project will be funded by the Asian Development Bank and will see the upgrading of the aircraft pavement, a new terminal building and associated works,” he said. COVEC was awarded the contract despite a court action in which it was found guilty of illegally extracting road-building material owned by local landowners…

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