Aid flows for diplaced islanders

Flight for life

RELIEF assistance poured in to help resettled hundreds of displaced people at a care centre after evacuation from their island homes following the unprecedented eruption of a dormant volcano off the northern coast of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in January. Swift action by the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, East Sepik provincial government and administration enabled the evacuation and relocation of the 691 islanders to the mainland.

The volcano on the island of Kadovar, located about 24 km (15 miles) north of the PNG mainland, began erupting on 5 January. After venting ash for several days, the volcano exploded, blasting out glowing red rocks and sulphur dioxide, the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory said in a bulletin. Kadovar is one of the three Schouten volcanic islands with the other two being Ruprup and Biem in East Sepik province. On 22 January, it was reported that Biem and Ruprup have subsided and remained stable while five volcanic vents had opened up on Kadovar and activities were expected to escalate on the island.

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