Oceania football dumps treasurer

Missing audit notes, silence from Auckland BEHIND the world headlines about millions in FIFA bribes, corruption and multibillion contracts, the Pacific Islands region has yet to have its own story. Parts of the story

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Landowners in billion-dollar deal

A MULTI-billion kina investment by a landowner company is expected to boost the tourism industry in Papua New Guinea. Star Mountain Plaza in Port Moresby, a project led by the Mineral Resources Development Company

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A nation’s key to resilience

A SURVEY of the nature of climate change adaptation planning and implementation that is rolling out in the Pacific region may well reflect the predominance of infrastructural and/or physical investment and related

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Forum agrees to disagree on 1.5

AGREEING that a 1.5 degrees Celsius rise in temperature would “severely exacerbate” impacts of climate change in the “most vulnerable smaller island states of the Pacific,” leaders of the Pacific

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Suva Declaration on Climate Change

More than a message in a bottle PACIFIC Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have penned what they believe is a strong and stern message to the industrialised world: It is an immoral betrayal for the world to let

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PACER Plus gets the nod

LEADERS have given their blessings on the near completion of negotiations for a free trade agreement between Forum island countries on the one hand and Australia and New Zealand on the other. Forum chair and Prime

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Solomon eyes interim EPA

More fracture in regional solidarity anticipated THE tear in Pacific solidarity over negotiations for a free trade agreement with the European Union may soon widen into a serious fracture with news that Solomon Islands

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Sogavare moves to tighten grip

THE third meeting of the 10th Parliament of Solomon Islands begins on Thursday 15th October 2015. This meeting was delayed since July due to the busy schedule of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. The October sitting

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Bribery case rocks Vanuatu

POLITICIANS FACE TRIAL THE people of Vanuatu are closely watching a high profile bribery case which involves 19 Government Members of Parliament in the country’s Supreme Court. On August 12 before a packed

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West Papua’s case heats up

Solomon Islands, Tonga join the cause WEST Papua and its campaign to seek more international support for independence has gone up a few notches with Pacific Island Leaders discussing their plight at their annual summit

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Back to the future

How traditional Pacific navigators proved Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon Tiki theory wrong UNDER the gaze of the night stars, Tua Pittman comes alive with the spirit of his ancestors and navigates across the vast space

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NEVER before seen pictures of the six Pacific journalists that were detained in PNG the day they arrived to cover the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders summit. Told to step aside at the immigration line after their arrival

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