FAD with sonar poses “game-changer” in tuna fishery

The introduction of sonar capable satellite buoys that are attached to FADs (Fish Aggregating Device) is poised to be a “game changer” in the Pacific’s lucrative skipjack tuna fishery with indications

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Hollande says France will remain a Pacific power

French President pledges climate action Sometimes in politics, it’s the little things that matter. On his first official visit to New Caledonia, French President Francois Hollande stood in front of two flags on

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China hands out goodies to Pacific allies

November’s historic Fiji meeting between China’s President Xi Jinping and eight Pacific leaders served to further solidify China-Pacific cooperation and project the superpower as one of the Pacific’s

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Modi’s bold move

India strengthens ties to Pacific When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (pictured) left Fiji after a 15-hour visit last month, he had boldly ventured where none of his predecessors had been before. For with one stop

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All dressed up and somewhere to go – at last!

Eight years ago, just weeks after Voreqe Bainimarama took over the reins of Fiji’s administration, I was among the earliest from the international media to interview him for the New Zealand Herald. In that more

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Poet slams crisis into UN

I t was no surprise to friends of Marshall Islander Kathy JetnilKijiner when her delivery of a poem about the looming climate crisis sparked a standing ovation from heads of state at the United Nations General Assembly

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Model charity saves lives

Vanuatu medics lead the region Ory Covo’s story is only one of dozens of people whose lives have been literally saved by the professionalism and dedication of the ProMedical paramedics and support staff. Out on

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New kid on the block leads the way

As the year draws to an end, Pacific leaders will look to the success of regional détente with some satisfaction. Kiribati and the Marshall Islands have drawn global attention to climate change and rising sea

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Bainimarama IB’s Pacific Person Of The Year

S ome 2000 years ago the world lay at the feet of the Roman dictator Augustus. That is of course, the world as it was known to Rome at the time. With the battle of Actium ended, his cruelties became more judicious and

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Four-way race for Solomons Island PM job

Four former Prime Ministers re-elected in last month’s national election could lead Solomon Islands again in the next four years after the surprise loss of incumbent Gordon Darcy Lilo. The four included Synder

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Niteclub Tango: Fiji journalists bore the brunt of security measures during the recent visit by China’s President Xi Jinping. But they found it amusing to learn that both Chinese and Fiji officials were

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Women’s welfare directly affects children

Pacific Island leaders are often given to wax eloquent on the respect that Pacific culture accords to women. Polynesian women have often gone on record saying that their culture “puts women on a pedestal”.

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