Fiji engages Solomon Islands in flight fight

FliFlights between Fiji and Solomon Islands by the two countries’ national airlines have remained suspended due to disputes over flight times. Solomon Island authorities say Fiji started the dispute when it banned

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Fiji prepares for first poll under new constitution

The countdown to Fiji’s first General Election under its new Constitution is well underway with the country’s long-established political parties vying to out-maneuver 2006 coup leader, and incumbent Prime

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Fisheries expert hurries off with stern warning

Tuna depletion rate death threat to industry Majuro — Glenn Hurry is the first of two important and long-term fisheries management officials to be leaving regional posts over the next six months. Hurry, after four

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Kiribati plans livestock and farms on Fiji property

Kiribati President Anote Tong has brushed aside criticism of his government’s decision to buy the Natoavatu Estate land in Fiji at a price of AU$9.3 million. Despite popular belief. Tong says the 5461 acres of

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Emotional fall-out overnuclear test memorial

Flosse tries to move shrine from park Even though the last nuclear test in the Pacific was conducted nearly 20 years ago, the commemoration of the atomic era still causes debate in French Polynesia. President Gaston

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Tokelau meeting approves south Albacore Tuna plan

FFA ministers endorse Atafu Declaration Fisheries Ministers in the Pacific have endorsed moves they hope would lead to better management of the south Pacific albacore tuna fisheries both in their 200 miles exclusive

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Archbishop legacy of hope

Thousands of mourners lined the streets of Fiji’s capital, Suva, last month to farewell the late head of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus Petero Mataca. In a ceremony full of the pomp and ritual of

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Tokelau energy options

With almost all their electricity supply sourced from the sun, the 1,400 islanders of Tokelau are a living testament to what the Germanborn but English economist the late E F Schumacher advocated in his book ‘Small is

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Solomon goes to the poll under the weight of mounting debt

As Solomon Islands gears up for its national general election later this year troubling signs of corruption, economic woes and mounting debts are overshadowing preparations. No one really knows the exact date for the

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Puna back as Cook Islands Prime Minister?

Pending any successful petition against winning candidates in last month’s general elections in the Cook Islands, incumbent Prime Minister Henry Puna (pictured) and his Cook Islands Party are poised for another

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Secret letter at centre of O’Neill AU$30m payments

The simmering political tensions created by the attempted arrest of Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill by police over alleged corruption allegations have cooled – at least for the time being.

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Twenty-two thousand dollar charter … At least one Cook Islander was the least impressed when caretaker Prime Minister and of all probability the one that would continue on as Prime Minister Henry Puna (top left)

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