Kina Weakens, Cost of Living Increases in PNG

Papua New Guinea’s economy continued to grow for the 13th consecutive year in 2013 and inflation remained below forecasts. On account of low international commodity prices and high demand for imported goods and

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Japan’s Abe spurs PNG interest

Gas supplies sufficient for 25 years TWO new Japanese-initiated petrochemical plants – one each in Papua New Guinea and West Papua, Indonesia are set to pick up green lights as feasibility studies open new hopes

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Marshall Islands move into commercial fish farming

‘Moi’ fish farms to expand The history of the Marshall Islands is littered with so many failed attempts to turn aquaculture and fish farming ideas into commercially viable businesses that it is a wonder

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Fiji Airways starts new Suva-Apia link

Regional services to expand Fiji Airways – Fiji’s national carrier – introduced a new direct flight linking the country’s capital with that of Samoa’s. There had always been two flights out

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Samoa airline hits bumps

Compliance issues stop Inter Island Airways Plans by the American Samoa based airline Inter Island Airways to enter Fiji’s domestic air service have been delayed by numerous compliance requirements. Although the

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PNG lobbies for its SG nominee

Melanesians vie for top forum post It is not new. Nor is it unknown. As a matter of fact, the race for a Melanesianled economic dominance in the South Pacific has been an on-off, on-again, off again preoccupation of

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Multi-million dollar Fiji airport upgrade

NZ company wins $80 million contract Nadi International Airport will receive a massive $102 million facelift to give it an attractive and modern look as part of plans to create a striking impression of the South

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Palau – where size doesn’t matter

Not counting the 400 or so volcano-uplifted little limestone islands that make up the spectacular Rock Islands, Palau is small. With a population of 21,000 living in the islands’ 16 states, the island republic

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PM O’Neill comes under fire over AU$30 million payout

Papua New Guinea is embroiled in political turmoil triggered by the attempted arrest of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill by police on June 17 as part of ongoing anti-corruption investigations into payments to a

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China only too keen to fill the gaps

Top New Zealand politicians’ periodic flights into the Pacific Islands with media contingents and popular Pacific rugby players in tow have been a regular feature over the past several years. They are obviously

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Step down: Opposition demands

Melanesia has had a lot going for it for more than a decade now. The exploitation of onshore and offshore resources have helped Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia – which form

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Fiji has made rapid progress to elections

Fiji’s possible return to the fold of the Pacific Islands Forum, the region’s preeminent inter-governmental organisation of independent nations of the Pacific, has been much in discussion in recent months.

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