“Carbon bubble” threatens to be destructive to the planet

MediaGlobal News Bureau Chief Nosh Nalavala interviewed Ambassador Marlene Moses, Permanent Representative of Nauru to the United Nations on the impact of climate change on small islands. Last month at the General

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Good news for the Pacific in terms of EU funding

The Pacific should consider itself lucky. It is not amongst the 19 countries that will suffer aid cuts under the European Union’s new international aid initiatives. A spokesperson from the European Union’s

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Brazil coffee oversupply to hit PNG/Vanuatu

Global production to exceed demand in 2014 As global supply exceeds demand for coffee for a fourth straight year, small world producers like Papua New Guinea and to lesser extent Vanuatu will feel the pinch of exports

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Cobalt in Cooks awaits exploitation

Could supply 10% of global supply This year could be a defining year for seabed minerals in Cook Islands. There are plans by its government to move a step closer to exploration of its massive cobalt resource, following

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New MP Tausi to be the next Speaker?

Parliament to decide in March or April Expect a new Speaker for Tuvalu’s parliament when parliament sits either in March or April. Following the Nanumaga by-election on January 14—Otinielu Tausi won the seat

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Gov Inos deals with land issues

US withholds transfer of 5 offshore lands U.S. President Barack Obama signed on Sept. 18, 2013 a law conveying 3-mile submerged lands to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, only to temporarily withhold the

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PNG launches first national security policy

Security institutions neglected: O’Neil The PNG government has chosen a new Commander for the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF)—Colonel Gilbert Toropo, the former Commanding Officer of the 1st

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