Page 6 - SPBD Businesswoman of the year awards 2021
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Adi Litiana Marakiwai, Vitogo Centre, Lautoka
Congratulations to Adi “Leadership-wise, it has made me strong. It has also helped
Litiana Marakiwai (left) me to make firm decisions for the Centre and I enjoy seeing
of Vitogo Centre, who my members grow through the years,” she added.
is SPBD’s Centre Chief Adi Litiana encourages other Centre Chiefs to have patience
of the Year 2021! and love when dealing with their members. “In our pledge, we
The SPBD Centre Chief say that we will always honour our centre and group guaran-
of the Year and finalists tees. We have to look out for each member, and not discrimi-
are recognised for their nate against them when they get in trouble. It is your duty as a
great influence in com- Centre Chief to look after them as sisters, as we are all sisters
munity leadership and in business as well as a mother to the daughters. The mem-
entrepreneurship. bers are your daughters. We have to mould them by giving
them encouraging words.”
Adi Litiana is one of SPBD’s longest serving members, first
taking on the role in 2011. Her Centre is based in Vitogo vil- SPBD CENTRE CHIEF OF THE
lage, where she is the wife of the village headman. YEAR FINALISTS
Winning the award did not come as a surprise to the 62-year-
old businesswoman. “I knew this was my year,” she said. “It’s Congratulations to
been a long time taking care of things concerning SPBD, not two other finalists
only in Vitogo Centre, but also within the district of Vitogo, who are also rec-
which I think has more than 10 SPBD Centres.” ognised for their
great influence in
She believes it is her obligation to support all Vitogo SPBD community leader-
members, saying, “If they have any problems at other centres, ship and entrepre-
they will always call me for help, and it is my duty to help neurship! Milika Rokomada, Naitaqiri Marica Sute, Matanikilagi
them out.” Centre, Suva Centre, Suva
Kartika Raman, Valelevu Sisters Centre, Suva
Congratulations to support her because women are capable enough to earn,”
to Kartika Raman Raman says.
of Valelevu Sisters She advises unemployed women to start their own businesses
Centre, who is and earn a living. “SPBD is there to support you and make you
SPBD’s Individual a successful businesswoman,” she said.
Saver for 2021!
Saver of the Year
and finalists are YEAR FINALISTS
recognised for their Congratulations to the two other finalists who are also
consistent saving Kartika Raman (left) receives her award from WEBC recognised for their consistent saving habits and their ability
habits and their Chair, Eseta Nadakuitavuki. to build up funds for the future!
ability to build up funds for the future.
Raman has been an active SPBD member since 2016 and has
collected over F$9,000 in savings.
A selfless mother, Raman has used her profits to expand her
businesses in selling fresh fish, pre-loved clothing from New
Zealand, and food catering at events.
She says most of her customers are employees of Suva City
“I always believe that a woman should never rely on a man Milika Rokomada, Naitaqiri Centre, Suva Laisa Caroline, Nakavu Centre, Lautoka
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