Page 21 - SPBD Dec 2021
P. 21
SPBD Fiji 2020 SPBD Fiji 2020
being quickly promoted to finance assistant, understanding of the lives of SPBD’s members,
then senior finance assistant. She has also been and what she describes as the most fulfilling part
a Centre Manager in Suva and was selected as of her work: “It’s the ladies. I was so close to
Branch Manager in Sigatoka before the death of a them. I still visit some of the ladies just to share,
dear colleague and another SPBD pioneer, Maraia about their businesses and problems. I’m also
Rokovucago. from that background that’s why I love working
“I was based in Sigatoka from 2012-2013. I with SPBD.
was with the Sigatoka branch for one year and “I was brought up in the village and we know
then I was transferred to Lautoka where I spent what poor means. I relate to them in my
five years as branch manager. Then I became experience, just the same as most of the ladies.”
area manager, I was looking after Sigatoka and Vani says it's a great pleasure to see members’
Lautoka. From there, the Rakiraki branch was business grow: “I’m always excited for those
opened and I was also the branch manager of ladies, from $1,000 to taking a loan of $8,000 or
Rakiraki.” $20,000, [and being] very successful. They gain
After Rakiraki, Vani was made Training and a lot. I’m always proud of them when they excel
Compliance Officer, and is now the Finance through business.”
Officer. Vani says she is still learning, “every day I learn
In her time with SPBD, Vani has seen many new things.” And when work becomes stressful,
changes. In the early days, she had to be escorted she remembers the advice she received from
by police to the bank because of the amount of a Samoan colleague. “She told me, ‘don’t ever
money being transported, now many transactions resign, we also experience stress. Even though
are electronic through M-PAiSA. She has also there is [stress], you’ll be blessed in other ways
seen many new services offered, such as the Fiji because of the service we provide.’”
Bloom programme for small and medium sized “This job is a calling for me,” she concludes. “It’s
enterprises. when you really love it, it feels like home. When
Vani travels into Suva from her village, Mokani in you come into the office, you feel like you’re
Tailevu every day and says this gives her a good coming home.”