The PCCC is a globally respected Centre of Excellence, it is highly valued by our Pacific Islands as it provides practical support and training to address our adaptation and mitigation priorities.
Underpinned by strong partnerships with Pacific Governments, applied research institutions, donors and the private sector the PCCC is a trusted source for user-friendly, scientifically robust information on climate and meteorological science.
Hosted at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme in Apia, Samoa, the PCCC opened in 2019. It focusses on four key areas:
- Knowledge Brokerage
- Applied Research
- Training and learning
- Innovation
We offer training and courses, partner with applied research opportunities, design and deliver training courses specifically for our Pacific islands, and foster innovation and promote development of new climate services and products.
Working on building our Pacific resilience together, the Pacific Climate Change Centre offers something for everyone.
Visit the Pacific Climate Change Centre online today and learn more about the Webinars, Open Learning, Children’s Corner and Executive Courses we have available.
The PCCC is a partnership between the Governments of Japan and Samoa, funded under grant aid through JICA for Samoa as the host country of SPREP. Since its opening in 2019, there has been a wide range of partners providing support to the Center, including the Governments of New Zealand and Ireland.