Samoa’s RSE Scheme resumes with 1,200 workers this month


Samoa Cabinet has endorsed new policy guidelines for the Recognised Seasonal Employment (RSE) scheme and 1,200 workers will depart to work in New Zealand and Australia at the end of this month.

The New Samoa National Regional Seasonal Workers Programme Policy was approved following the perusal of Cabinets Sub-Committee Review Report on the Regional Seasonal Employment (RSE) and Labour Mobility schemes.

The decision was announced by the Acting Prime Minister, Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio.

“In this policy, the Government considers the sustainability, the management and coordination of the programme, with regards to ensuring the development of Samoa, especially at our local districts and village levels and the need for this program to continue,” said Tuala.

He said the policy addresses key areas of concerns which include the selection criteria of unskilled workers, terms of employment and working conditions and period of working abroad and strict observation of social, cultural, and moral values.

The scheme will continue for February under the current guidelines.

But the new policy guidelines approved this week will kick in in March which will involve the District Councils in the selection process.

“The policy will enable the Village Councils to be directly involved in the scheme with the District councils, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour,” Tuala explained.

He said the policy continues to strengthen our bilateral relations with the respective Governments of New Zealand and Australia and the employers offering these opportunities for our people.

The programme resumes this month on the existing arrangements with the Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour (MCIL) for 1200 workers for New Zealand and Australia. The New Samoa National Regional Seasonal Workers Programme Policy comes into effect as of April 2023.