A piece of Lau in Atafu
Google Earth says Vanuabalavu Island in Fiji’s northeast lies 1400 km southwest of Atafu, one of three inhabited atolls of Tokelau. And while separated by the vast Pacific Ocean, the two islands share a common
A piece of Lau in Atafu
Google Earth says Vanuabalavu Island in Fiji’s northeast lies 1400 km southwest of Atafu, one of three inhabited atolls of Tokelau. And while separated by the vast Pacific Ocean, the two islands share a common
Protecting young people’s sexual health and well-being
Young Pacific people, including those on Tokelau, have high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned teenage pregnancies. Youth and population level surveys conducted by Pacific Ministries of Health
Rare cultural display in Melanesian Festival
2000 take part in traditional extravaganza The true spirit of Melanesian cultural identity has again been invigorated, fostered and enhanced at the 5th Melanesian Festival of Arts and Culture staged from 28th June to
Pacific Islands Forum Meeting – of people and power
Every six years Pacific leaders meet at their annual summit to discuss who will win the lottery and get the six figure job of Secretary General of the Forum. It is quite literarily the lottery as the first Secretary
Tokelau energy options
With almost all their electricity supply sourced from the sun, the 1,400 islanders of Tokelau are a living testament to what the Germanborn but English economist the late E F Schumacher advocated in his book ‘Small is
Global mobile phone giant enters PNG, Solomons partnership
Bmobile Vodafone opened for business in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on July 16, days after Vodafone announced its expansion to PNG and the Solomon Islands in a non-equity arrangement with local partners. Group
Archbishop legacy of hope
Thousands of mourners lined the streets of Fiji’s capital, Suva, last month to farewell the late head of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus Petero Mataca. In a ceremony full of the pomp and ritual of
Mobile companies reinforce presence in Fiji
Leading mobile phone companies announced major developments recently with Vodafone Fiji now fully Fijian owned while its rival Digicel rolled out a massive AU$40.4 million expansion of its Fiji operations. Digicel
Tokelau meeting approves south Albacore Tuna plan
FFA ministers endorse Atafu Declaration Fisheries Ministers in the Pacific have endorsed moves they hope would lead to better management of the south Pacific albacore tuna fisheries both in their 200 miles exclusive
Fiji engages Solomon Islands in flight fight
FliFlights between Fiji and Solomon Islands by the two countries’ national airlines have remained suspended due to disputes over flight times. Solomon Island authorities say Fiji started the dispute when it banned
Emotional fall-out overnuclear test memorial
Flosse tries to move shrine from park Even though the last nuclear test in the Pacific was conducted nearly 20 years ago, the commemoration of the atomic era still causes debate in French Polynesia. President Gaston