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Record ranking for AUT

        AUT has for the first time been ranked New Zealand’s   this  has  been  reflected  in  the  latest  international
       second placed university in the prestigious Times Higher   rankings.”
       Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023.         According to the 2023 THE World University Rankings,
        The result in the THE rankings also further cements   AUT is ranked:
       AUT’s  place  as  one  of  the  world’s  highest  ranked   •  2nd overall in New Zealand
       universities with it placed among the top 300 globally.   •  In the top 251-300 universities globally
        AUT  Vice-Chancellor,  Professor  Damon  Salesa,  says   •  Equal 1st in New Zealand and equal 24th in the
       the  rankings  were  underpinned  by  the  university’s     world for International Outlook
       strong  performance  in  areas  such  as  international   •  1st  in  New  Zealand  and  53rd  in  the  world  for
       outlook, research excellence and academic citations.        Global Research Impact (Citations)
        “To be officially recognised as New Zealand’s outright   “While this success deserves to be celebrated, what
       second ranked university for the first time is a significant   we are most proud of is that despite all the challenges
       achievement  for  AUT  as  the  country’s  youngest   of the past few years we have continued to deliver on
       university,” Professor Salesa says.                   what  matters  most:  providing  an  exceptional  learning
        “To  again  be  ranked  as  New  Zealand’s  top  placed   environment for all our students and producing world-
       university for research impact and international outlook   class research that is having an impact in New Zealand
       reflects the huge amount of hard work put in by our staff   and throughout the world,” Professor Salesa says.
       over the past few years, and is a big reason why students   The Times  Higher  Education  World  University
       from over 100 countries choose to study at AUT every   Rankings was founded in 2004 and provides a definitive
       year.                                                 list of the world’s best universities and uses performance
        “Everything we do at AUT is driven by a commitment   indicators  on  research,  citations,  industry  incomes,
       to develop great graduates and build a better future for   teaching, and international outlook.
       Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond, and it is wonderful

                        For further information on AUT’s rankings, visit AUT’s World Rankings page:

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