Page 23 - Islands Business October 2024 edition
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Historic MSG-led Initiative to Aviation
Enhance Gender Empowerment in the Region
A milestone achievement has been accomplished in the gender space month, MSG Ministers for Women resolved that a Melanesian Gender
with the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat and the Pacific Equality Framework is needed,” Ms Rakuita said, adding that Micronesia
Community’s (SPC) Pacific Women Lead (PWL) embarking on a “Promoting is also advancing a sub-regional framework while Polynesian leaders are
Melanesian Women to Enable Social and Economic Empowerment” considering the same.
project, with the signing of a Grant Agreement funded by the Australian “Taking a sub-regional approach to gender equality is essential if we are
Government. to realise our whole-of-region aspirations under the Pacific Leaders Gender
The project is valued at AUD$577,000, with funding from the PWL at Equality Declaration, with actions guided by the Pacific Platform for Action,
SPC program of AUD$402,000 and in-kind contributions provided by the for which SPC is custodian,” she said.
MSG Secretariat valued at over AUD$175,000. SPC’s Regional Director Melanesia, Sarah Mecartney, who was present
Director General of the MSG Secretariat, Leonard Louma, commented at the signing, said she was privileged to share this historic moment of
that the Secretariat was pleased to participate in a project “that seeks to gender equity and gender equality being prioritised at the highest level for
better the lot of a gender that is often talked about in our region, dare I say our Melanesian people.
invariably for political expediency, but, sadly, corresponding actions are yet “We are pleased to be here, hand in hand with the MSG Secretariat,
to match the political hype and rhetoric.” jointly committing to this locally-developed project led by our people, for our
The project has three basic components, firstly, it seeks to empower people, is powerful and likely to contribute to its success,” Ms Mecartney
women entrepreneurs and elevate their capability and capacity to access said.
markets in the MSG region through the MSG Trade Agreement. “At SPC, we are pleased to support such projects that aim to inspire and
It also seeks to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence. An MSG motivate transformational change to bring about an equitable and gender
Sub-Regional Plan, as part of the MSG Gender Framework, will be sensitive organisational culture and approach to programming,” she added.
developed to accelerate member governments approach to the prevention Australia’s Acting High Commissioner to Vanuatu, His Excellency, Jon
of Violence Against Women and Philp congratulated both MSG and
Girls (VAWG). SPC saying he looked forward to
DG Louma said the Secretariat seeing the results of the partnership
plans for a Police Case-Management and was pleased to see another
System component to develop outcome of the MOU on development
better and more effective ways and cooperation that was signed between
means of receiving complaints, Australia and the MSG back in
managing, tracking and successfully December 2022.
prosecuting gender violence cases “Two years ago, MSG had the Christmas Island from the air. Photo: Captain Salote Mataitini
to finality. wonderful idea to enhance its gender
A comprehensive MSG Gender equality efforts and sought support
Framework will be crafted and from SPC by submitting a proposal
finalised for approval by the MSG for the “Pacific Women Lead in SPC”
Governing Bodies and will be grants. This event is an important KIRIBATI’S US$60M AIRPORTS PROJECT
supported with the development of two-sided marker; first of how far we
an Implementation Plan informed by L-R: Australia’s Acting High Commissioner to Vanuatu, His Excellency, Jon Philp; Director have come and the other marking
the Pacific Leaders Gender Equality General of the MSG Secretariat, Leonard Louma; and SPC’s Regional Director Melanesia, the beginning of how we can and will MOVES FORWARD
Declaration. To assist the MSG Sarah Mecartney during the signing of the Grant Agreement for the “Promoting Melanesian work better together to economically
Women to Enable Social and Economic Empowerment” project.
Secretariat, a Gender and Social empower women in Melanesia,
Inclusion (GESI) specialist will be recruited, under this project, to plot a way strengthen their leadership skills, and ensure they are safe,” he stated.
on how best to pursue and deliver on these three components. Gender equality and the role of women and girls in Melanesia, he said, By Gordon Feller International sea access to the island is through the Kiribati
According to DG Louma, an important component of the project is our can be a sensitive area in which to work, which is why Australia supports
aspiration to empower Melanesian women participation in politics and locally-led solutions being implemented in a culturally appropriate way by Port Authority jetty which consists of a 220 metre wharf
decision-making. two eminent regional organisations. Kiribati has Bonriki International Airport (TRW) on South with an 80 metre pier head. Due to its exposure to westerly
“For us, it is critical to equip those successful women politicians in our H.E. Philp said the signing is an acknowledgement that gender equality Tarawa and Cassidy International Airport (CXI) on Kiritimati, swells, it’s only accessible to larger ships and more land is
Parliaments with the requisite resources, research staff for instance, to is a global and regional challenge and it demonstrates that gender equality
enable them to speak with authority on bills and issues, and to effectively is a shared priority for both SPC and MSG. plus nineteen domestic airports in the outer islands. Aviation required for container storage. The Government is considering
advocate their innovative ideas and unique perspectives in a confident and Gender equality and promoting women’s leadership is a key priority in provides vital regional and international connectivity for development of a new port at an alternative site.
cogent manner on the floor of Parliament.” Australia’s engagement on foreign policy, human rights, development and Kiribati, and is essential for the import and export of time- By air, Kiritimati is connected to Nadi and Honolulu (HNL)
In fact, the MSG Prosperity for All Plan 2038, which guides the work of humanitarian action, including in the Pacific. Through the Pacific Women
the Secretariat, clearly sets out the vision of our Leaders in highlighting Lead program, Australia is providing AUD$170 million over five years to sensitive commodities and emergency supplies. It’s also a via a weekly flight operated by Fiji Airways. However, the
the importance of enhancing the role of women in the MSG Development support gender equality, ending violence against women and girls, and lifeline to access essential services, complex healthcare CXI-HNL route is passenger only, with a Boeing737 being
process, including strengthening women in leadership in Melanesia. women’s leadership. and social integration; and a prerequisite for tourism the largest scheduled aircraft type operating at CXI. The
DG Louma reiterated the MSG’s gratitude for this timely support from “Supporting women and girls to promote equality is not only the right
the SPC saying it demonstrates, in a manifestly practical way, our shared thing to do, it is also a smart thing to do, for we all know societies, economies development. government wants to upgrade CXI to allow for last point
commitment and resolve to do what is right by our womenfolk in the gender and communities work better when we remove barriers to the participation Ensuring sustainable connectivity by air and upgrading of departure status to the US to meet US Transportation
space. of women and girls and when we all have an equal place in national life, the road between CXI and the main community of London is Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Authority
This he said, is an encouraging step in the right direction in our MSG/ outcomes are better.”
SPC joint efforts to empower women, support Member’s commitments to The Australian Government he added, highly values partnership with seen as essential infrastructure to enable wider economic requirements, which would allow for air-freight from CXI to
address VAWG and enhance women in leadership roles in Melanesia. both MSG and SPC and their secretariats, as well as relationships with development in Kiritimati. Reliable connectivity between HNL. Air Nauru provides a weekly service between Brisbane,
He reassured that the MSG Secretariat will continue to strive to elevate individual MSG and SPC member countries and territories. Kiritimati, both domestically and internationally, is also a Nauru, Tarawa and a weekly Tarawa-Kiritimati domestic
and mainstream gender and social inclusion issues within the respective “We all share strong historical, cultural and people-to-people ties and this
programmes of the MSG Secretariat. new project will further strengthen these existing ties,” he said. prerequisite to enable internal migration in view of rising service. The Government anticipates one day extending
DG Louma further acknowledged the tremendous support of the Expected final results of the project include the empowerment of sea-levels. the Tarawa-Kiritimati route to HNL. CXI is also a designated
Australian government whose generous contributions to the MSG Gender women entrepreneurs, improved social development indicators for MSG The new US$60M Kiribati Kiritimati Infrastructure Project alternate airport for emergency landings on the South
Project through SPC, the PCMU Project, and the Yut4 Melanesia Project, member countries, along with improved commitments and actions to
signals a broadening in the scope and depth of our joint partnership accelerate ending violence against women and girls and equipping women (KKIP) is being established by the World Bank. Its primary Pacific-North America route, providing an important diversion
engagements and collaborations. parliamentarians with research to contribute effectively to decision-making. objective is to provide efficient, safe and resilient road and capability for larger aircraft on an occasional basis.
SPC’s Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls, Mereseini aviation transport connectivity into Kiritimati and between In 2011, New Zealand’s government provided a NZ$17
Rakuita, praised the joint project and how it is “owned and led by Melanesian The article was written by Ana Tudrau-Tamani who works in the area of
leaders.” Media & Communications at the MSG Secretariat based in Vanuatu. Cassidy International Airport and London; to improve air- million grant to resurface CXI’s runway. However, the runway
“The announcement of this project comes at a critical time as just last freight access; and, in the case of an emergency, to respond surface is now showing signs of cracking. The condition of the
promptly and effectively to such a crisis. runway will be assessed as part of an “Aviation Masterplan for
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