Page 6 - SPBD September 2024
P. 6


                                               WHAT’S NEW

         TEAM BUILDING AND A COMMITMENT                      with resident expert, General Manager & Director Elrico
         TO HONESTY AND INTEGRITY                            Munoz, and the owner of a Filipino shop in Suva’s Nina Street,
         Honesty and Integrity for Greater Productivity was the theme   The teams’ research paid off, with master chef level-skills
         of the SPBD Fiji 2024 Team Building event held at the Nasau   on display and the judges declaring that the dishes prepared
         Resort & Villas in July.
                                                             could rival Filipino cooks themselves!
         The event aimed to: Strengthen bonds amongst the    Bonds were formed and strengthened as the teams drew from
         team; foster teamwork, creativity and critical thinking;   across SPBD Fiji’s 10 branches.  Coordination of outfits, food
         encourage problem solving and collaboration; and improve   and cultural items, banners and presentations were all part
                                                             of the experience. While the logistics were challenging, the
         Team SPBD Fiji was divided into five colours, representing   cultural show was professional and showcased the skills of
         five tribes in the Philippines, for the event’s duration: Black   the SPBD Fiji team.
         (Maranao), Blue (Igorot), Green (Tagalog), Red (T’Boli) and   Other team activities included games, discussions on topics
         Yellow (Waray).
                                                             including transport, cash, supplies, utilities and assigned
         To be totally immersed in Filipino culture, the teams were   presentations.  The Team also took the opportunity to sign up
         assigned menus and performed Filipino dance/song items.   their pledges – A Statement of Actionable Commitments.
         Dishes such as tortang talong, pandesal, ginataang bilo-bilo,   At the end of the two days of action-packed activities, Team
         bicol express, kare-kare, pinaket, tinolang and maruya were   Red was declared the winner, closely followed by Green,
         prepared for breakfast, morning, lunch, afternoon tea and   Yellow, Black and Blue. Congratulations to everyone for
                                                             participating and contributing. Until next year, when we
         YouTube was an important learning tool, bringing to light the   will bringing an African flavour to somewhere in Fiji, let us
         intricacies of Filipino food and culture.  Teams also consulted   implement our Statement and continue to live the theme.

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