Page 14 - IB December 2023
P. 14

Pacific People of the Year                                                                                                                                                          Pacific People of the Year

         (L-R) Krupali and Sumeet Tappoo, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital, a visiting medical team at work, Baby Meiva Raikanawa and her family at her ‘Gift of Life’

                          SPIRITUALITY IN ACTION

         By Richard Naidu                                    in the Pacific region. And each operation can be anywhere
                                                             between $100,000 to $200,000,” said Fiji’s Assistant Minister
          The glitter of the family name, the association with one   for Women, Children and Social Protection, Sashi Kiran at a
         of Fiji’s biggest business houses, the label of international   recent ‘Gift of Life’ ceremony at the hospital.
         performing artist and the presence on some of the world’s   “Some of the children I met in ICU, the parents said if the
         largest entertainment stages. It all makes for a dazzling aura   surgery hadn't happened now, in another month's time, the
         that couldn’t be further from the deep spirituality that drives   child would not have been living,” says Kiran.
         this couple to meeting the needs of others at a scale that few   The recognition of a health service as vital as this was
         have been able to achieve in Fiji, or the South Pacific, for that   nowhere in sight when the journey began seven years ago.
         matter.                                               “We took a massive leap of faith and when we started, no
          It was mainly for their efforts to establish the largest   one believed us. Sumeet and I were ridiculed at times and
         children’s cardiac hospital in the South Pacific that Sumeet   many people thought that we were mad,” Krupali told Islands
         Tappoo and his wife, Dr Krupali Tappoo, were conferred with   Business.
         the International Excellence Awards in the British Parliament   Having seen his parents dedicate their life to serving others
         this year.                                          from a very early age, Sumeet grew up wanting to make a
          And those efforts have inspired Islands Business to include   difference to the underprivileged and needy in Fiji and around
         them in our list of Pacific People for 2023.        the world.
          Sumeet and Krupali were among 30 personalities       “I believe in the law of reflection, reaction and resound.
         from around the world recognised for their outstanding   Whatever we put out into the world through our thoughts,
         contribution to society, in a ceremony organised by the   words and deeds is the energy which envelopes and surrounds
         World Book of Records and Nobles of Commonwealth Nations   us and it is what we receive back from this world,” Sumeet
         Awards, held in the presence of members of the English House   told Islands Business.
         of Commons.                                           It’s that kind of philosophy that has made the miraculous
          Having set up a hospital in Fiji that has saved the lives of   possible, without any association with the gigantic family
         more than 230 children from across the region, by providing   business.
         free surgery for congenital heart conditions (CHD) that their   “After completion of my MBA, I was part of the Tappoo
         parents would otherwise not have been able to afford, the   Group for one year and then I left it completely to pursue my
         efforts of the Tappoos are priceless.               career as a professional singer in Mumbai,” says Sumeet. “I
          “We are told something like 2500 kids with CHD are born   am not part of the Tappoo business, and they are not a part

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