Page 11 - IB December 2023
P. 11

Cover                                                                                              Cover

         Sogavare raised anxiety levels in Washington and Canberra   Sogavare has positioned the relationship with China
        when his government signed a security deal with China in   as South-South cooperation, telling the United Nations
        March 2022, and a Police Cooperation Implementation Plan in   General Assembly in September: “We acknowledge and
        July of this year.                                  value South-South cooperation because it is less restrictive,
                                                            more responsive and is aligned to our national needs. We
         Delayed election                                   applaud the People’s Republic of China for their initiative in
         In an unprecedented decision, Solomon Islands’ parliament   accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through
        voted to delay the national election by a year, to April 2024.   their Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative,
        Sogavare argued in parliament at that time that the Solomon   Global Security Initiative and Global Civilisation Initiative.”
        Islands could not host the Pacific Games and an election in   These deepening ties have spurred reaction and action from
        such close proximity.                               other partners and had ripple effects across the wider Pacific
         “We cannot afford to present a country that is politically   region.
        unstable,” he said.                                   The United States is re-engaging after many years, opening
         Dr Tarcisius Kabutualaka of the University of Hawaii   a new embassy in Honiara on February 1 and announcing the
        believes Sogavare has used the “China relationship to access   re-establishment of the Peace Corps program almost 20 years
        infrastructure development that could constitute valuable   after its closure. However progress on getting Peace Corps on
        political capital for the next national elections.”   the ground has been slow, with Al Jazeera reporting that “the
         Indeed, Solomon Islands leveraged its membership of   Peace Corps continues to miss deadlines to secure funding
        the BRI in the lead-up to the Pacific Games to access   from the US Congress to support its work in the Solomon
        infrastructure investment from China, with the main   Islands. Just $500 was allocated for the programme’s work in
        stadium and other sporting facilities built by the China Civil   the archipelago of about 700,000 people for the fiscal year
        Engineering Construction Corporation and China Harbor   2024.”
        Engineering Company.                                  Australia increased its already considerable engagement
         Former Deputy Secretary to Sogavare and Australian   with Solomon Islands by contributing A$17 million to support
        National University (ANU) scholar, Derek Futaiasi, said   the Pacific Games, and delivering police vehicles and rifles
        Solomon Islands’ diplomatic switch from Taipei to Beijing   to Solomon Islands only weeks after Solomon Islands police
        speaks well of Sogavare’s ‘dynamic intellectual acumen’.  officers travelled to China to undergo training for the first
         “Honiara’s diplomatic shift brings Beijing with its might   time in November 2022.
        in infrastructure development for the 17th Pacific Games   Amidst this renewed attention, Sogavare has also resisted
        2023. Sogavare’s tactical move must be commended, for he   the urge to accept every invitation from new, old and re-
        undertook it at the right time for the proper socio-economic   engaging partners.
        purposes.”                                            He did not attend this year’s Pacific Islands Forum Leaders
         China is also enabling construction of 161 towers under   Meeting in Cook Islands because of his responsibilities ahead
        the Solomon Islands National Broadband Infrastructure   of the Pacific Games.
        Project (SINBIP), aimed at improving and modernising   Nor was he at this year’s Pacific Leaders Summit hosted by
        telecommunication and internet services in the country.  the United States President, Joe Biden, in Washington, saying
         The SINBIP is fully funded with a concessional loan of   domestic affairs were of a higher priority, and that a previous
        approximately US$65 million from the Exim Bank of China at a   such summit did not have the expected outcomes.
        1% interest rate.
         Speaking at the recent groundbreaking ceremony, Sogavare   Security
        declared that “misinformation” and “scare-mongering”   When Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, toured seven
        such “debt-trap” rhetoric would not deter his Government’s   Pacific countries that China has diplomatic relations with
        development agenda.                                 last year, he failed in efforts to get them to sign-up to a
                                                            multilateral economic and security agreement and five-
         Good friends and good brothers                     year action plan.  Instead, Pacific leaders stated that they
         Meeting Sogavare in Beijing in July this year, Chinese   would prefer to consider the proposal under the auspices of
        President Xi Jinping described China and Solomon Islands as   the Pacific Islands Forum, of which 16 island countries are
        good friends and good brothers, that can trust and rely on   members, along with Australia and New Zealand.
        each other.                                           That push-back demonstrates that there are limits to what
         For his part, Sogavare told outgoing Peoples’ Republic of   China can achieve.
        China (PRC) ambassador to Solomon Islands, Li Ming, that as   In July, Sogavare signed a new Police Cooperation
        a least developing country, Solomon Islands’ greatest need is   Implementation Plan (PCIP) with China, which will upskill,
        development and not geo-politicking.                build and enhance the capability and capacity of the 1500
         At Ming’s farewell, he said while Solomon Islands is far   police officers, according to a government statement.
        behind schedule in reaching its Sustainable Development   Concerned reactions from the US and Australia saw
        Goals, the addition of the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) as   Sogavare describe them as ‘unneighbourly.”
        a development partner has bring new hope.             “China has not invaded or colonised any other foreign

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