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        Since April this year, 811 SPBD Fiji Centre Chiefs and Centre   The role of Group and Centre guarantees were covered in
        Secretaries have undergone training around Fiji.    the training, and Chiefs and Secretaries discussed ways to
                                                            build Group and Centre funds, such as through mandatory
        The training program started in Levuka in April and   contributions, penalties and fundraising activities.
        concluded in Savusavu at the end of May.
                                                            They were also briefed on SPBD Savings and Loan Policies,
        Each session began with revision of SPBD’s systems, Centre   including new guidelines introduced this year, policies around
        and Group structures.
                                                            the use of M-PAiSA, weekly meeting procedures and the
        Centre Chiefs and Secretaries also discussed the specific   Centre Grading System.
        functions of their roles and the qualities of good leadership;
        attributes such as humility, resourcefulness, honesty and


          •  Weekly meetings are held at the same time, date and   •  Members use Centre meetings to share business ideas,
             place, and 100% of members attend.                business problems and household financial problems.

          •  All collections and passbooks are arranged by the   •  Centre meetings are fun and provide a refuge from
             groups, and prepared by the Centre Secretary before   daily routines.
             the Centre Manager arrives.                    •  The Centre shows pride and spirit, with uniforms, signs
          •  Group/Centre guarantee enforcement takes place    and slogans.
             before the Centre Manager arrives.
                                                            •  The Centre plays an active and positive role in their
          •  Officers take immediate responsibility for disciplining   community.
             delinquent members.
          •  The Centre builds up a Group/Centre Fund to prevent
             members from missing a payment.


        SPBD Fiji is piloting new training for Financial Education   diaries and then submitting a report to the Centre Managers
        Facilitators (FEFs).                                on overall progress each week, detailing how many members
                                                            have fully completed their diary entries, how many are
        The one-day training program is designed to ensure that each   incomplete and what errors the FEFs observed and rectified.
        Centre has a well-educated member who can closely monitor
        members’ financial diaries, help them with business planning,   The training builds on the support provided on a weekly basis
        understanding their cash flow and where savings can be   by Centre Managers during their visits to Centres. It is offered
        made, and provide general peer-to-peer coaching to their   to both existing FEFs, and those new to the role.
        fellow members.
                                                            “After the training we have seen huge improvements,” says
        Well-managed and fully completed  financial diaries are the   Kunal Chand, of SPBD Fiji. “Lots more members are filling in
        most important thing FEF members manage, and the training   their cash flows, and slowly improving their compliance.”
        supported this objective. This may involve coaching a few
        members each week who need to improve their financial

 Our SPBD Fiji Team at the MSME conference.
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