Page 32 - IB December 2023
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In addition to its core business
of harbour towage, marine
services company Pacific Towing
(PacTow), provides salvage,
emergency response, and spill
response services at home in
PNG and throughout the broader
region. These services have
increased in frequency together
with the growth of PNG’s oil and
gas sector, as well as the increase
in Melanesia’s marine traffic.
PacTow is a nearly 50-year-
old PNG business. General
Manager, Neil Papenfus, reports
that the company has been
involved in close on 80 salvages
in the waters of several countries
(e.g., Australia, Fiji, Guam (US), Pacific Towing anticipates an increase in its salvage, emergency response, and spill response services given PNG’s
Indonesia, Micronesia, PNG, expanding oil and gas sector, as well as the growth in Melanesia’s marine traffic. Pictured are two tugs in Pacific Towing’s
Solomon Islands) in the last 25 20-vessel fleet assisting a suezmax tanker in Port Moresby.
years. PacTow is also Melanesia’s
only full member of the International Salvage Union and the involving the types of vessels that normally call in to Melanesia.
International Spill Control Organization. However, it has on occasion brought in expertise from Australia,
Although the company typically operates in a ‘sole salvor’ Japan, and Europe.
capacity, it has also partnered in lead and co-salvor arrangements, In addition to building its own capacity, PacTow is also working
including with some significant international salvage entities with government entities such as the National Maritime Safety
(e.g., Fukada, Nippon, Smit, T&T, and Five Oceans). Authority to build PNG’s capacity, especially with regard to
PacTow has amassed considerable salvage, emergency oil spills. Late in 2022 it played a central role in the country’s
response, and spill response capacity, in terms of its fleet, National Oil Spill Response Exercise, and in 2023 it has been
equipment, in-house expertise, and relationships. As such, contributing to the development of PNG’s National Oil Spill
Papenfus reports that they can “manage just about any salvage Response Plan.
or spill in the region.” Albeit a particularly serious incident PNG’s need for increased oil spill response capacity, as well as
involving an oil or chemical tanker, or a giant container vessel, spill mitigation services, is evident. The nation is not only on the
would require additional assistance. cusp of a 10-year LNG construction boom but a massive surge in
The provision of a rapid first response, irrespective of vessel mining development with the imminent progression of the Wafi-
type though, is fully within PacTow’s capabilities. Only a few Golpu gold project. Not only will oil and gas exports increase (and
months ago, one of their blue water tugs was deployed to tow therefore the risk of marine spills when loading and discharging
an oil tanker stranded in the Coral Sea back to the safety of Port tankers), but so too will the marine traffic importing all matter
Moresby for repairs. of items for the construction of LNG and mining infrastructure.
PacTow’s 20-vessel fleet is strategically deployed across
its operations throughout PNG and Solomon Islands. It’s Boilerplate
dedicated dive workboat, together with the bulk of its spill PacTow delivers excellent, reliable, and safe marine services
response equipment, as well as its commercial dive team and through PNG and the broader Pacific. A well-maintained fleet,
salvage officers, are based at the company’s main tug base and as well as a dedicated and exceptionally trained team underpin
headquarters in Port Moresby. PacTow’s ongoing expansion and success. PacTow is part of a
The company doesn’t typically need to import technical larger sea and land logistics group wholly owned by Steamships
expertise to assist them with salvage operations, especially those Limited.
To learn more about PacTow:
32 Islands Business, December 2023 Sponsored Content